We are proud to announce that we are an official partner of #HandsOnMetrology. The new portfolio of #HandsOnMetrology focuses on the recently launched hand-held measuring system ZEISS T-SCAN hawk 2 as well as on GOM’s compact 3D scanners ATOS Q and GOM Scan 1.
Moreover, the portfolio offers a new go-to for everything you want to know about 3D scanning, HandsOnMetrology.com. The digital platform is presented by ZEISS Group, which is setting standards in optical 3D metrology. From step-by-step setup instructions to more advanced tutorials and expert hacks: the platform is made for learning and for getting inspired.
3D products
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Official Partner
We are official partner of #HandsOnMetrology platform.
Live Demo
Feel free to contact us and ask for live demo of #HandsOnMetrology portfolio 3D scanners behind it. It is the easiest way to present all their advantages.
You are just a click away from the solution that can change your business.
Lets meet.